The Bathroom Quandary – the Rise of Trans Insanity

We have a crazy North Korean dictator who wants to nuke America, there is the rise of ISIS, the Zika virus, earthquakes, fires, floods, planes crashing, an unstable stock market and now we have a bathroom quandary.  Or is it really more than that?

As you may know, Target announced a few weeks ago that anyone may enter the women’s or men’s restrooms and dressing rooms.  On their website, they said “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”  So, their reasoning … they want to accommodate transgenders (.03% of the population).  Unfortunately, the other 99.97% aren’t feeling too comfortable with the idea.  If a man says he “feels like a woman”, he can waltz into the women’s dressing room or restroom.  Apparently, this is ok with Target.

The left says people are just homophobic or transphobic; that people are afraid of them.  Are we really? 

My story.  I once worked with a transgender (a woman who dressed like a man) and I have worked with a few gay co-workers throughout my lifetime.  I must say, one person stood out though, Kathy.  At a contract job I had, she met me each morning with materials for my class and a big smile.  We became friends and one day she divulged she was gay.  Sadly, she didn’t show up and I learned she lay critically ill in intensive care.  I quickly went to the hospital to see her.  The doctor shook his head and told me she wasn’t going to make it.  I was stunned!  I had just talked to her the previous day.  I prayed over her weakened body in the hospital as she lay motionless and comatose.  Her funeral drew over hundred people.  I know something about compassion. 

Back to Target.  They are saying they want to show compassion towards the transgender community, but it has had an unintentional effect.  Having unisex bathrooms literally blows the doors wide open for the million plus registered sexual predators (and an untold number of those not registered), to stroll into the dressing rooms or bathroom.  Target has stated if a man who is a man dressed as a man follows a little girl into the bathroom, that they will not question it.  What kind company would create a policy that puts women and girls at risk?

I was fed up with Target a long time ago.  First, their credit card database was hacked, and I was forced to acquire a new card and change all my accounts.  I almost dropped doing business with Target but since this can happen to any business (although it shouldn’t, they should have better cyber security), I gave them grace.  The second strike against them was the Marine’s.  Target would not allow the Toys for Tots collection at their store for Christmas and soon they wouldn’t let the Salvation Army collect near their stores either.  The last straw is pushing the boundaries of right and wrong; I’ve elected to shop elsewhere.  There are plenty of other choices.

It doesn’t take a person with a high IQ to foresee that a sexual predator will take advantage of the “bathroom and dressing room for all” policy. When the day comes (not if) that an assault does take place, Target may find itself smacked with a hefty lawsuit.  Perhaps this is why, their stock has dropped by $6 billion (as of this writing).  Sadly, I predict we’ll see more companies in our secular society joining in on the “inclusive” bathroom and changing room policy spree in their effort to include everyone.  In reality, they create policies that actually result in excluding people.  Yes, they are excluding me from feeling protected and safe in a public bathroom.  Hence, I foresee that if Target and other companies continue to promote “trans insanity”, that their stock prices will take a free fall.    

In today’s news, I was outraged to learn Obama himself made a “decree” that all schools across the country have to allow students to choose the restrooms and locker rooms according to “their internal sense of gender.”  If schools don’t comply, he threatens loss of funding and lawsuits from the federal government.  What on earth is our President doing? Has he lost his mind?  How can he discriminate against all the other students who desire privacy?  Thankfully, someone has stood up for this brainless non-sense.  Governor Phil Bryant stated that Mississippi public schools will not be participating in the president’s social experiment.

I have to admit that while growing up in the wild 60’s and 70’s in California, this issue would be too insane and ridiculous to even dream up.  In today’s world, we need people who can clearly and quickly see when a thing is wrong and are courageous enough to speak out and tell the truth.  The truth is that the males are males and females and females. 

Regardless of the sexual confusion going on, all of us have all fallen short of the glory of God.  While sexual sin seems worse than many other sins, God sees them all the same.  God desires us to repent and turn from our sin.  He also desires that you believe in His son, Jesus and follow Him. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life”.  John 3:16

It can be exhausting for Christians as we continually fight for what is right, moral, pure, and holy.  Unfortunately, we are living in a fallen world – with the devil and his fallen angels. 

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. “1 Peter 5:8.

You may feel this issue falls into a gray area; it is not.  Even non-Christians see the insanity and folly of this.   I’m not buying it, and you shouldn’t either.  I leave you with this.  Read your Bible, pray and ask God to show you what is right and what is wrong.  Know which battles you should fight for.  May God give you wisdom, courage, and favor to stand your ground.

Join the Target Bathroom Boycott (has over 1 million signatures).