The Rise of Persecuting Christians in America

It is a sad day when we have to sign into law a bill that is designed to protect our religious freedoms. What law?  Mississippi governor Phil Bryant signed HB 1523, the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, which protects schools, churches, businesses, and public employees from government discrimination based on moral and religious beliefs concerning marriage and human sexuality.

This is the America we live in today.  We saw our Founding Father’s fleeing England and risking their lives in the name of religious freedom, to what America has become today.  Now we have to pass laws to protect our religious beliefs from our own government. 

It only takes a glance at the news to see what is happening.  There is a growing surge of Christian business owners that are being persecuted for their religious beliefs; the results have led to financial ruin. 

Bakeries.  In 2013, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, refused to take an order for a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.  Under Oregon’s anti-discrimination law, they will have to pay the couple up to $150,000.  The Christian bakery owners follow the teachings of the Bible which clearly spell out marriage is between a man and woman.   The store owners have since boarded up their store.

Also, Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado has also been sued.  The owners informed the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs they could not make a cake to celebrate a same-sex couple’s wedding.  Update: 22 states support Masterpiece Cakes artist’s right to create freely.

Flower Shop. More recently, a 70-year-old florist in Washington, did not sell flowers to a longtime customer, she said, “I am sorry. I can’t do your wedding because of my relationship with Jesus Christ.”  The flower shop was subsequently sued. 

Restaurant.  Memories Pizza is out of business for not catering a gay wedding. 

Bed and Breakfast.  An Illinois couple who refused to host a gay civil union ceremony at their bed and breakfast was defiant Tuesday after being ordered to pay an $80,000 fine and hold a celebration for the pair. 

Photographer. A New Mexico photographer was sued for not wanting to participate in a same-sex couple’s ceremony.   The list goes on.

I do not recognize this country anymore. Is there no protection for those who follow the precepts laid down by God?   I applaud Mississippi’s governor for trying to lay down legislation to protect Christian businesses, schools, and churches from the obvious onslaught of lawsuits that are permeating our society and are instigated by gay activists.

The intent of the Bill is about keeping the freedoms that we already have and not letting government march in and destroy people’s lives and the businesses they have worked so hard to build. If a same-sex couple doesn’t like the religious beliefs of a business, then perhaps they should find another business who shares their same beliefs.  May feel Christian business owners and churches are being targeted because of their beliefs I’m sad to say there is a plethora of bakeries, flower shops, caterers, photographers, wedding planners, etc. who could care less about what God thinks.

Religious persecution continues to dive deeper than you think.  Churches are also under attack for not performing same-sex weddings and gay funerals.  How can government force a church whose sole purpose is to uphold Biblical beliefs, to stop believing it?  Is this right?  Are we becoming Communist China?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” US Constitution, 1st Amendment

Wake up folks.  Our First Amendment right continues to be attacked and because of that, we must pass laws to enforce it. 

Others say, “why can’t you just love others like the Bible commands”?   Sure, you can love others, but you don’t have to agree and bow down to what man says. 

The high priest said to Peter, he should stop teaching in Jesus’ name. 

“But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”  Acts 5:29

What Would Jesus Do?

Here’s another way to look at it.  Would Jesus be involved and contribute to this type of activity (fill in the blank)?  Jesus always loved and forgave the sinner but never condoned it.  Jesus never supported or contributed to sin; as a Christian neither should I.   For example, when Jesus encountered a woman caught in the act of adultery, he loved her and told her to “Go and sin no more”.  He did not condone her immorality nor encourage or contribute to her continuing in a sinful sexual lifestyle.  

I empathize with Christian business owners for not wanting to contribute to gay marriages; they are simply adhering to their free exercise of religion (First Amendment right). 

The American Christian must live in an increasingly anti-Christian culture, but we must stay obedient to scripture.  Everything is upside down.  Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right.  I expect Christians will continue to become discriminated and persecuted by a growing secular government (aka the Socialist Democrats). 

The silent majority has sat on the sidelines and watched as our world has turned inside out.  It is time to speak up, stand strong in the faith, love others, love God, and be grateful for what freedoms we have today.

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