Who Does Dementia Affect? From family to the White House

It all starts with forgetfulness. 

One day, my mother’s friend, John, said goodbye and left the house.  However, he unexpectedly came promptly back into the house and said, “There is something wrong with my car.”   Mike and I walked out to the car, and John plopped into the driver’s seat.  He started the car and just sat there staring.  He said, “I don’t remember how to back up.” 

We were both in disbelief.  “Well, John, you have to put it in reverse,” we said and showed him how.  It was clear that John was no longer fit to drive, as he posed a danger to himself and others.  In retrospect, we had seen his forgetfulness before, along with his lack of decision-making abilities, which soon led to apathy about virtually everything.  He did not live much longer.

Likewise, over the span of nearly nine years, I witnessed my mother’s journey as her mind and memories faded. I saw her struggle to recognize familiar faces, places, and the city she called home for 50 years, San Diego.  She forgot that she had watched that movie already ten times. 

I decorated the house for holidays and seasons to help her remember the passage of seasons and holidays.  I wrote reminders on a chalkboard as well as her wall calendar.  Everyday tasks that once came easily to her were now a challenge.  She loved to rake outside but had poor balance and often fell in the yard.  

Things were fading fast.  She could no longer remember how to use the home phone, cell phone, computer, microwave, and the remote control for the TV – all became frustrating obstacles; we had to take them away.   She forgot much about history, wars, and world leaders, including the things that happened in her own life.  Several times, she let her faucet run, forgetting to turn it off.   

Before long, her speech was slurred, and she could no longer remember how to pronounce words correctly.  As her mental abilities diminished, so too was her capacity to make wise decisions, leading us to step in and make choices on her behalf. Her once vibrant personality and smile were dimming as she grappled with the frustrating limitations of her mind and body. 

Writing notes with pen and paper became her lifeline, a temporary bridge to communication, that slipped away too.  She had no hobbies or interests; she would just be happy watching TV.   

Now, she wrestled to sit up, stand up, or walk, which was heart-wrenching.  Finally, eating and drinking was a monumental feat.  One day, she sat there with the same blank stare we had seen before.   My mother was diagnosed with mixed dementia (primarily vascular dementia and a bit of Alzheimer’s).

She passed away a year ago on February 21st

Dementia is a general umbrella term.  Types of dementia are Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Lewy Bodies, Frontotemporal, Huntington’s, and Mixed Dementia (a combination of these). 

Many famous people have had some form of dementia, such as Ronald Reagan, Sean Connery, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Bennett, Charles Bronson, Jimmy Stewart,  Glenn Campbell, Charlton Heston, Norman Rockwell, Peter Falk, Perry Como, and Bruce Willis, to name a few.

Now all eyes are on President Biden. He also has been showing signs of forgetfulness and slurred speech. Personally, I believe that Biden has had dementia for a few years now.  However, the Left has been denying it, protecting him and America from the truth.  The Biden campaign has just put Biden on TikTok, the very app that the government has banned, trying to prove that his mind (and campaign) are fine.

However, over the past 3 ½ years, we’ve all seen Biden’s embarrassing gaffes, awkward gaffes, blunders, and mistakes. OK, there are a plethora of Biden gaffe videos on YouTube; see for yourself – it’s hard to watch.  Biden has made up stories that aren’t true and has been seen repeating the same words he said a few minutes earlier. 

Recently, special counsel Robert Hur, in his investigation, said Biden struggled to remember when his late son, Beau Biden, had passed away, remarking that Biden is an “elderly man with a poor memory” with “diminished faculties.” The report further described Biden’s memory as “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor” and having “significant limitations.” Finally, someone is starting to tell the truth, but in a way, we’ve all known it.

Let’s not forget recently, Biden talked about meeting with dead European leaders:  he referred to François Mitterrand, who died in 1996, instead of French President Emmanuel Macron, and the late Helmut Kohl instead of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

I haven’t even mentioned Biden’s long list of failures, as well as the weaponizing of the DOJ & FBI to target Republicans, Pro-Lifers, and Christians (most people are unaware of).    

What’s on everyone’s mind is allowing the worst border invasion in US History.  With his “no-borders for America” or “open-borders policy’, over 10 million illegals had crossed our borders during his time in office.  Now, there is a surge of Chinese Nationals crossing our border; over 20,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended crossing into the U.S. near San Diego. 

What is Biden doing about about the border? Nothing. With a stroke of his pen, he could shut down the border.  People are wondering if anyone is leading this country; is anyone in charge?   

Some believe that Biden has been a puppet, with his strings being controlled by the Left and their socialist-democrat agenda.  Others believe Obama has been working behind the scenes, and this is really Obama’s third term.  Regardless, both Democrats and Republicans fear the outcome.  It is cruel for the Left to continue to prop up and support a man who has dementia. 

If we continue down this present course, with Biden as President, many feel America will slowly self-implode.  There really isn’t a Plan B.  Biden is a proud man, and many believe he would never step aside – be willing to hand over the baton to someone else, even for the sake of America.  

Today, America is weak because our President is weak.  Other countries are literally laughing at the once strong and secure America.

As frightening as the future may seem, we need to remember God is still on the throne, and He is still in control. 

“Remember, anything under God’s control is never out of control.” Chuck Swindoll

God can intervene in any situation if it’s in His will.   So, my friend, although there is plenty going on in our world that makes our heads spin, do not fear the future. Here are some practical steps that you can take today:  

  • Pray daily.  When you feel fearful, pray and ask God to replace your fear with peace.  Ask God to continue to bless and have favor on America. 
  • Read scripture. Meditate on and memorize verses that talk about God’s love, faithfulness, and promises.
  • Trust in God’s Plan.  Remember that God is in control of all things.  Trust in His timing, purpose, and plan for your life.
  • Seek Support.  Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage you and pray for you during difficult times.

Focus on the Present. Instead of worrying about the future, focus on what you can do in the present moment to honor God and serve others.

  • God’s Faithfulness.  Remember the ways that God has been faithful to you in the past – this can help you to trust Him for the future.
  • As Christ-followers, we are told not to be anxious about anything but to let God’s peace guard our hearts and minds.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7

Learn more about Dementia.