You Need a Savior and You Know It

We have all messed up during our lifetime; I have messed up far more times than I’d like to admit.   I used to do what I wanted, when I wanted.  Mainly because in America I can.  

I remember someone asked me once, “what is sin?”   I was surprised by the question, but they honestly weren’t sure.  The Ten Commandments clearly identifies what God is not pleased with.  It’s pretty hard for any of us to not mess up even in one commandment; however, that was the point of God writing the Ten Commandments.  There are also numerous other sins scattered throughout the New Testament.   It’s sin that separates us from God; the chasm is great the lies between you and Him.  God knows we are going to mess up. 

God loves you so much that He designed a rescue plan to take care of this sin problem.  He sent his son, Jesus, to take on your sins; past, present and future.   Jesus willingly laid down his life so that you could have eternal life.  (John 3:16)  He came to rescue you from the darkness you are walking in.   You are walking in darkness or light.   

There is a free gift offered to you and it’s not under the Christmas tree.  God has given you grace; He has extended the free gift of salvation.  The invitation is held out to you today.  My friend, I wouldn’t delay in accepting it, you don’t know the day nor hour you will pass into eternity.  When we die, our souls will live on forever.  It’s how you respond to Jesus in this life that determines your next.  He has been knocking at your heart’s door for a long time; you have heard it but ignored it.  The knocking is beginning to grow fainter until you won’t hear it all.  Your mind has been dulled by the evil in this world and your eyes blinded by Satan’s deception.  I pray God opens your eyes to the truth.  God has not moved away, you have. 

Jesus said, it is by “faith” that you are saved.  (Ephesians 2:8) The reason you have not drawn near to God is you have spent years listening to atheist science teachers, listening to persuasive speakers who do not speak the truth, reading counterfeit articles and listening to fake news, and you have been drawn into false ideas.  You cannot come to the Father through facts my friend.  It is only by faith that you can come into the Father’s house.  ‘Jesus said to him,

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. 

Perhaps you are concerned that if the Bible is true, there would be a transformation of your worldview and perception of morality.  You will start to see things through the lens of your maker.  You don’t want to lose your friends who believe like you do, so you resist the gift.  You resist change.  Perhaps you believed as a child and were once passionate in seeking Him.   God is asking you to come back with the same child-like faith.  The Prodigal son not only disappointed the father, but it pierced the mother’s heart.  Your parents can only pray for you; but it’s up to you to step out in faith.  

My friend, I realize that no one wants to talk about it but everyone will live forever, an eternity: heaven or hell.  Heaven is real and so is hell.  The decision you make today, determines your destiny.  Hell is separation from God but it is also a place of immense torment.  Just because you don’t believe in hell, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  God doesn’t send people to hell, God has given you freewill to choose either path. 

And so, it is Christmas…Jesus came to bring love, peace, joy and hope to this fallen world.  Instead of chasing after the “things” of this world, chase after the things of God.  God is way ahead of you, He has seen you from the beginning and knows your trajectory.  He has a plan and purpose for your life.  

With all the hate and sadness in this world, it is hard to trust in anything.  God is asking you, “trust me”.     The answer is one thing:

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11 NKJV). 

Gifts will come and go, but Jesus is the best gift you can receive this Christmas.   You need a Savior and you know it.  By faith, receive Jesus.  How can we celebrate Christ’s birthday, without celebrating Christ?   

No matter what comes your way in life remember that you have a Savior. As a Christian, you have been saved from death. You have been saved from eternal punishment.  You have the hope that when you die, you will go straight to Heaven. And that my friend, is the most important thing about the Christian life. There is a Heaven waiting for you. You have a Savior.