The Transgender Craze – Causing Irreversible Damage to our Children

Remember back in 1980, we used to laugh at Bosom Buddies.  It was about two young single men (Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari) who wanted to move into an all-women’s hotel because it was cheap. So, they disguised themselves as women.  Then in 1982, we all enjoyed Tootsie, about an unemployed actor (Dustin Hoffman) who masqueraded as a woman in order to land a role in a soap opera.  In 1993, who can forget Mrs. Doubtfire, a movie about a man (Robin Williams) who disguises himself as an old woman and begins to work as a housekeeper in order to interact with his children.  They were all hilarious.

The years rolled on; the culture changed.  Adults began to literally believe they were born with the wrong body, the wrong sex, the wrong gender.  It’s no longer enough to disguise oneself as the opposite sex, but many are making that change permanent.  Many are willingly taking chemicals and having body parts surgically removed in order to alter their physical appearance.

Now transgender ideology has escalated to our children.  It’s no longer a laughing matter.



Influencers have the power to affect your child’s decisions through social media.  There are more than a dozen social media sites and online forums that facilitate the discovery of a trans identity such as: YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, and TikTok, etc.1  Trans influencers are like overzealous evangelists pushing their cause.  They are telling kids if they aren’t happy with their sex, to go ahead and get sex change surgery, just like they did.  Here are several Trans Influencers your child may be listening to.


The world seems to look to movie stars for answers.  Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter Shiloh wanted to be a boy, dressed like a boy and wanted to be called “John”.  The trans group stepped in and applauded.  However, now Shiloh is herself, a girl again.  Thankfully there was no sex reassignment surgery.  Research has shown that the majority of children will outgrow gender dysphoria if their parents just let them, and that’s exactly what Angelina and Brad did.


Teachers are powerful influencers especially when our children spend an average of 32 hours per week in school.  The California School Board now has a policy of allowing students aged twelve and up to walk out the door during the school day to obtain cross-sex hormones without their parent’s permission.  California wants to expand to “school-based health care clinics” that would cater to transgender children. 

Folks, gender ideology is permeating the school system, not just in California but in all states and starting at the pre-Kindergarten level.   The ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and GLSEN supply curriculum materials. Their members are routinely brought into schools to lecture students on sexual orientation and gender.  Indoctrination in the school system is growing. 

If you don’t believe teachers are indoctrinating your children in transgenderism, take a look at these 5 short videos.  


Friends can provide positive reinforcement, even in the wrong things.  A study published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) shows a link between peer group influence and rapid onset gender dysphoria among pre- and post-pubescent children.  This should give parents more cause for concern over the friends their children keep.   


California became the first sanctuary state for child exploitation (Oct. 3, 2022).  In other words, a bill that makes the state a “sanctuary” for gender-confused children (of any state) who want to transition medically without the knowledge or consent of their parents.  Sadly, these laws undermine parental rights and risk the physical well-being of children who are too young to make good decisions.   

On a positive note, kudos for Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt who signed a bill on Oct. 4, 2022 that stops gender transition services for children at an Oklahoma pediatric hospital. 

Medical Community

In recent news, The Vanderbilt Transgender Clinic has now deleted it’s web page after a Matt Walsh podcast reported (accurately) on how doctors and hospitals drug and cause harm to children under the guise of gender affirmation.  Vanderbilt doctors were told if they refused to participate because of “conscious objection” or “religious beliefs”, they should find another job.   Vanderbilt also rolled out “Trans Buddy”, where someone will come alongside the patient to affirm and make them feel safe, and of course, ensure people use the correct pronouns.  It’s heartbreaking.  Vanderbilt sterilizes, mutilates, and castrates children and will happily perform double-mastectomies on adolescent girls (called top surgeries) as young as 14.  The main reason, transgender surgeries are “big moneymakers”.  Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm”, instead, doctors are butchering our children for profit.   

Psychology Community

Back in the 1980’s while I attended a psychology college class, I learned gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and needs to be treated accordingly.  However, in 2013, the American Psychiatric Association dropped “gender dysphoria” from its diagnostic list.  Why?  Because it’s politically incorrect.  

There are many studies that say that transgenderism is a mental disorder.

Fortunately, there are still doctors who know the truth.  Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is in fact a “mental disorder” that merits treatment.   McHugh also said,

“Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits, or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’ In that lies their problematic future.”

US Government – The Radical Left

In case you’ve missed it our current radical left Biden administration declared a proclamation on March 30, 2022, Transgender Day of Visibility.  Biden told parents of transgender children that “affirming your child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe.”  The American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) study found puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex transition surgeries do not prevent suicide or improve mental health in gender dysphoric young people. 


Changing the definition of words, we’ve been all accustomed to has consequences.  “Gender” used to mean your sex, male or female.  Even Merriam-Webster’s dictionary has altered its definition – “gender is the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.”   Notice it says with “one sex”, not “your sex”.  Apparently, the definition of “gender” started changing in the 1950’s to a self-perception of oneself; a social construct; freely chosen; one’s own truth.

A Warning to Parents

Parents, I know that many of you have been caught off guard by your children’s bizarre request to change their gender.  Then the words you hear from doctors, “would you rather have a dead daughter (who will commit suicide) or have a living son?”  After hearing this, I know you are in fear mode and are prepared to sign anything that is put in front of you.  Many in the medical community are essentially saying, “this is the only option”.  But it’s not.  The truth is, studies are showing 10-15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate is 20 times that of comparable peers. 

Parents, did you know that the puberty blocker “Lupron” that is given to kids is the same drug used to chemically castrate pedophiles?  In addition, Lupron has been linked to an increased risk of:  cancer, cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and blood clots, suicidal behavior (and other psychological disorders), osteoporosis, painful joints, and sterility.  The pharmaceutical company, AbbVie, who produces Lupron, made $752 million in 2020 alone. As you can see, big pharma, hospital systems, surgical centers and doctors seek to gain huge profits in the current transgender social contagion.  Follow the money.

The role of a parent is to love and protect their children.  Shut out the godless influencers; these people will not be there for you when you realize the mistake you’ve made.  Please do not be pressured into having the medical community abuse your child by chopping off their body parts and pumping them full of toxic chemicals – this is not love. 


There are SO many sad stories out there of teens who underwent a sex change, but later regretted their decision.  Here are just three.

Chloe’s Story

Chloe Clark, speaking in the California State AssemblyHear Chloe in her own words speaks about the horrors of physical ramifications of transition into a boy at age 12, then back to a girl. 

Helena’s Story

Hear Helena Kerschner talks about transitioning and de-transitioning.    

Laura’s Story

Laura Perry tells her story about transgender surgery.   She soon learned, she was the same person, just without breasts. 

Brain Development in Children

Many children believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, but it’s not rooted in reality.  When my brother was little, he believed he was Superman.  I saw him jump from our roof, with his costume and all.  As he plummeted to earth, it quickly proved to both of us, he was not (no he didn’t get hurt).   

Experts say that full brain development doesn’t happen until the age of 25.  It’s important because the frontal lobe, which is the very last part of the brain to develop and mature, is the part of the brain that makes consequential decisions.  Therefore, children and teens cannot make good decisions especially about permanently undergoing sex change surgery.

Countries Are Reversing Course

European countries are ahead of the US in terms of sex change surgeries, and they now have the data.  The infamous Tavistock gender clinic in London recently closed.  They offered ‘gender-affirming care’ and puberty blockers to thousands of children over the years. Roughly 1,000 families have filed a medical negligence lawsuit against the clinic.

One of those suing Tavistock is Keira Bell, who has returned to living as a woman, agrees that giving drugs and horrific surgery to children struggling with gender dysphoria was “unnecessary”.  She says, “I was a slave to my feelings.  I didn’t need drugs or surgery, I needed to know that I was fine the way I was”.


It seems many are listening to the wrong voices.  The voice we should listen to most is God’s voice.  What does God say about gender?  Although scripture doesn’t specifically discuss transgender issues, the Bible holds important truths.  Here are a few.

God created us in His own image, and He created us as one of two genders, male and female. 

You don’t have a choice from a third gender or 58 genders (as Facebook lists).  The gender is your sex, male or female. No person can actually change their gender.  If I got a hold of your DNA, it will clearly tell me if you are a male or female.  All the chemicals and sex change surgeries cannot change who you are inside.  Cosmetic changes made on the outside, does not change who you are on the inside.  God made you male or female on purpose.  I urge you not to tamper with God’s purpose and plan for your life. 

God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.”  (Genesis 1:27–28)

The Spiritual Attack of Gender Confusion

Gender confusion is an unfortunate outgrowth of a sinful and broken world that we live in.  While God is not the God of confusion, there is a “god of this world” who is the cause of all evil confusions the beset humanity.  This god is Satan, and he would love to see your life and your family utterly destroyed by whatever means.  It is easy for Satan to blind the minds of unbelievers.  

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”  1 Corinthians 14:33

“The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers”.  2 Corinthians 4:4

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  1 Peter 5:8

Your children were not born the wrong gender.   

God knew your child before they were born.  He has a plan for their life.  God knows their identity before they were ever born.  God is calling you and your children to find your identity in Jesus.  Here is King David speaking in Psalms 149:14-16

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

Love One Another

As a reminder to Christians, a person who struggles with their gender identity or has gone through transgender surgery should never be mocked or ridiculed.  As Christians, we are called to show love and compassion to all people.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13:34-35

We need to stop butchering an entire generation of children! 

A Few Excellent Resources

What is a Woman? A documentary,  (Insider Plus membership access).   A must watch!

1 Shrier, Abigail. Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (Kindle)  Also, hear the podcast with Joe Rogan and Abigail Shrier.   July 2020

Heyer, Walt. Books by Walt Heyer:

In His Image.  A documentary.