As a Christian, Why Should I Support Voting for Trump?

I have seen posts/texts from people who will not support voting for President Trump.  The reason stated is always the same, they disapprove of his character flaws and previous immoral behavior.  His flaws are further bolstered by the “hate-Trump” media, statistically speaking, has given Trump negative comments 92% of the time.  These Socialist/Democratic news stations that have broadcasted hatred for Trump several times a day for 4 years are CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS.  More recently Fox News has been lulled to the left. 

In addition, many online news outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. have joined in the blatantly biased reporting and shown greatly hostility toward  Trump.  Big tech companies such as Google, YouTube and Twitter joining in by fact-checking (using their in-house young Socialist/Dem employees), hiding/deleting content, removing positive Republican news, or burying it where you’ll never find it.  They have vowed openly to go all out in this election.  These actions are similar to that of Communist countries all with the intent that you’ll “buy it and believe it” and vote how they want you to vote (control).

I have never seen so much hate directed towards any President or political leader in my lifetime.  If they can redirect your heart to hate Trump, who else can they direct your heart to hate?  Is it really that easy? 

We can all agree that Trump has certain aspects of his character that we disapprove of.  Personally, I have found some of his comments are prideful, brash, abrasive, insulting, and vindictive when people attack him.  Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.  So, on the flip side, Trump has many strengths we should not overlook, one that I’ve seen is his courage; he does not allow others to push him around, be manipulated and controlled especially the Socialist/Dem party.   His energy is incredible for his age.  He is faithful to fulfill his promises (unlike previous Presidents) and he has a deep love for America – a real patriot.  He has held his ground and withstood the onslaught of false impeachment (three times) by the Socialist/Dems; he is a real fighter.  Trump is not perfect (only Jesus was perfect), but he is not entirely bad as many in the mainstream media have pushed to portray him with their false narratives.

The question facing the nation is NOT “Does Trump have an exemplary moral character?” but rather which option of “policies” is better for a nation. 

Option A – Donald Trump and Republican policies

Option B – Joe Biden and Democratic policies

Questions about a candidate’s character are relevant.  But the question is not, “Does Donald Trump have flaws?” (every previous President has had flaws), but rather, “Is Donald Trump so clearly unsuited to be president that our only valid choice is to accept Option B.  

If we choose Option B and vote for Biden, we are voting for Socialist/Democratic policies to bring  great destructiveness to the nation.   Option A is far preferable. 

If we compare the Democratic party to the days of JFK, the party has moved so far to the left that it is unrecognizable to today’s Democrat party.   If they win, we would have a tightly government controlled, oppressive, and anti-Christian nation;  think of it, the first semi-socialist country ever in our history?  The question is, would you rise up and stop harmful policies being pushed down the throats of Americans?

What are the policies that Trump supports?

Let’s look at the Republican policies set forth before us. Did you know that over 80% of Christian voters supported Donald Trump in 2016 not because they liked him as a person but because they favored most or all of the following policies, listed below:

  • Pro-life policies for protecting killing the unborn and the elderly
  • Support for and installing Supreme Court judges who follow the original meaning and intention of the constitution framers
  • A stronger military
  • A free-market economic system
  • Lower taxes
  • Less government regulations
  • Strong support for Israel and the Jewish people
  • Recognition of the economic, military, and information threat of China
  • High value placed on freedom of speech
  • Personal accountability for committing crimes
  • Economic growth.  Increase in employment; more and better jobs, continue with good trade deals with other countries.
  • Greater availability of tax-supported school choice in low-income neighborhoods
  • Address racial inequalities through school choice, economic growth, increase in police safety especially in high crime neighborhoods, and supporting all black colleges.
  • A strong border wall and a secure border as well as a comprehensive reform of our immigration system.
  • Clean use and extraction of carbon-based fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).
  • Pro-Christian beliefs and freedom of conscience (government should not force Christians to use their artistic skills to convey a message of approval of same-sex marriage or to perform an abortion, or to use pharmacies as the distribution point for drugs that cause abortion),
  • Medical marijuana should be allowed (with a prescription from a doctor).
  • Restrooms, locker rooms, and single-gender sports teams should be restricted to people of one biological sex or the other.

What are the policies that Biden supports?

The 2020 Democratic Party Platform was rejected by over 1,000 DNC delegates, but it still went through. I suggest you look over the Democratic Party Platform along with the Biden-Sanders 110-page Unity Manifesto which envisions the socialism of an all-encompassing welfare state, with virtually every need a right, and every right guaranteed by taxpayer funding.  As you ready through a short list of some of the items the Democratic party wishes to accomplish, how can a Christian who believes in the moral values of the Bible support the far-left Socialist/Democratic Party?  How could a Christian in good conscience support a party that promotes these laws and policies?  

  • Allow and celebrate abortions up to the moment of birth (Biden is anti-life). 
  • Authorize the use of taxpayer money to pay for abortions and gender reassignment surgery.  Repealing Title X for abortions, taxpayer will pay. 
  • Increase taxes and government control thereby crippling our economy.
  • Impose the extremely strict Green New Deal energy laws which will do away with nuclear power plants, gasoline, oil, coal and natural gas.  This will increase energy costs and in turn will also increase the cost of everything that is made or transported with the use of energy.  This will shut down thousands of businesses and millions of people will be out of jobs.  Electricity will only come only from 60,000 turbines and 500 million solar panels.  (If you’ve seen California lately with their rolling black-outs, then that’s what we’ll have).  The cost, $2 trillion, paid for you, the taxpayer. 
  • Attacks on religious freedom.
  • Weaken our military in the face of increased aggressiveness by China.
  • Abandon Israel to fend for itself.
  • Abolish the Senate filibuster rule so that all legislation can be passed with only 50 senators plus the vice president casting the tie-breaking vote.  (Trump could of gotten more accomplished but everything brought up for a vote was squashed by the Senate Filibuster rule. They’ll disband it as soon as Trump is gone). 
  • Support judges who do not go along with the original meaning of the Constitution or laws, but will reinterpret as they wish.  They may add six additional seats to the Supreme Court in order to be able to give the Supreme Court a new 10-5 majority. 
  • Grant statehood to both Washington DC and Puerto Rico, thus adding four more Democrats to the U.S. Senate.
  • Support harsh and severe laws and penalties that will force an artistic or a counselor to affirm the validity of same-sex marriage even when that is contrary to the professional person’s conscience.
  • Reinstate the Obama laws that require schools to allow biological males who feel like they are females, to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers.
  • Charter schools will be abolished; no school choice for children in lower income neighborhoods.
  • Allow biological males to compete in women’s sports, setting new statewide records in women’s track events and other sports.
  • Defund/eliminate the police which will lead to (and has led to) an increase in crime.  You will no longer live in safety and will have no one to call for help.
  • Eliminate the use of cash bail; criminals will be released roaming the streets. 
  • Abolish freedom of speech by the use of violence and intimidation for those who disagree with you.    
  • Support open borders welcoming “illegal” aliens (criminal or not) into our country and providing them with healthcare at no cost, all funded by the taxpayers.  Support sanctuary cities in defiance of current law.  Tear down the wall.
  • “Medicare-for-All”. Healthcare will be taken over by the federal government putting thousands healthcare companies and millions of people out of work.  Significant tax increases.

The biggest clue to the destructive ideology that drives the Biden-Sanders manifesto is the word “equity,” which appears 34 times.  Equity means equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.  The so-called word “equity” is the very DNA of Marxism as we have seen in the Soviet Union, Mao’s China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.  Nothing good will come from it. 

The Democrats hated Christians long before Trump came along.  They made it their mission to ban prayer in public events even Friday night football games.  They are the ones who wanted the Ten Commandments taken down in every public park and building.  They are the ones who banished Nativity displays at Christmas time. Long before Trump announced he would run for President, Obama was verbally belittling the Church even stating, “we are no longer a Christian nation”.  Then Obama openly went after ministries and Christian businesses that would not support abortion. In the last few months of his first term, Obama suspended Billy Graham’s nonprofit status. He weaponized the IRS to block conservative and Christian groups from getting non-profit status.  Even as of today, California Democratic governor Newsome has shut down all indoor church services even when people can easily walk into a Wal-Mart, grocery store, Home Depot, etc.  Three churches are suing Newsome for the singing ban. 

Let’s not forget recent news, it’s the Democratic mayors who let the rage, fire, looting, violence, and murder continue in their cities.  Democrats have asserted their support Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  The mayhem will continue regardless of which party is elected. 

For those looking for some of Trump’s accomplishments while in office, click here.

I hear some Christians say, both candidates are bad, so I won’t vote. I would say, it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to vote and to vote for leaders who promote Christian principles. God is most certainly in control, but that does not mean we should do nothing to further His will.  A candidate’s policies that violate the Bible’s commands for life, family, marriage, or faith should never be supported (Proverbs 14:34). Christians should vote as led through prayer and study of both God’s Word.

It is clearly the Republican party who has increasingly favored policies consistent with Christian values, while Democratic Party policies have increasingly strayed from Christian values.  I feel Christians face an easy choice of which party to support based on the platform’s policies.

*I will be writing future articles on the topics proposed by Democrats along with supporting scripture.