20 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

If I could go back in time, here are 20 things I wish I could tell my younger self.

  1. Watch What You Eat.  You are trim and slim now, but within a few years the candy bars are going to pack on.  You are going to be zapped of energy and will spend money shopping for larger sized clothes.  Cut back on the snacks now and substitute it for fruit and vegies.   Your older self will love you. 
  2. Move Your Body.  The days of body surfing in the ocean, gliding down a hill on a skateboard, and running for miles will be long gone my friend.  Unless you keep up that activity level up, your health and attitude will both decline.  Get moving and stay moving.
  3. Rest.   Those two jobs you took back-to-back is wearing your body down.  That full load in college along with the part-time job leaves little time for rest.  Take time to unwind, relax, rest.  Your body and renewed mind will thank you later. 
  4. Be Patient.  Things are never going to happen as fast as you would like.  Take a deep breath and smile.  You can’t rush God, wait on His will and His timing. 
  5. Be Kind.  Even if others are mean and rude to you, don’t retaliate; instead be kind in return.  Be kind to your family, friends, co-workers, strangers; everyone.
  6. Make a Few Close Friends.  You don’t need to collect hundreds of casual friends, instead make a few close friends and keep connected for a lifetime.  Jesus was close to 12 disciples and even closer to an inner circle of 3. 
  7. Forgive Others.   It may take a few days or a lifetime, but forgive others who have intentionally hurt you, ignored, or abandoned you.  Harboring unforgiveness is poison in your soul and you are the one who carries the burden.  This may be the toughest thing you’ll ever do but forgive them.  You are not giving approval of their actions, but you are releasing them from their power over you. 
  8. Sin Affects Everyone.  You know what is right and wrong; don’t go down that wrong path.  It can lead to a lifetime of repercussions for yourself.  Sin has consequences with a sweeping domino effect on others.  God has given you a road map to a happy life (the Bible); follow it. 
  9. Save Now and Keep Saving.  It’s hard to think about getting old when you are young.   Put a few dollars in savings each week and by the time you get old, you’ll have a good cushion to live on.  We don’t know how long our days will be on earth, but God wants us to be smart about the money He puts in our hands.  It’s all His anyways, take care of it.
  10. Give of Yourself.  Life isn’t about striving for money, power, and prestige. Look around, there is a world of hurting people.  God has given you one or more spiritual gifts that should be used in this world, right now. Take this 66 question test to find out, gifttest.com
  11. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. God may lead you outside your comfort zone.  He may ask you to do something you’ve never done before or feel unqualified to do.  It may feel like you are going to fall flat on your face and completely fail. If God is directing you there, then there is a reason behind it.  Have faith and do it.  
  12. Keep Connected to Family.  No matter what size and kind of family you have, they are still your family.  Love and honor them the best that you can, no matter how difficult it can be.  It takes two to have conflict; don’t play that game but instead be resolved to show love.  
  13. Quit Grumbling.  Monitor yourself for a day and see how many times you complain or grumble.  You are wasting energy and time showing your disdain for things that aren’t working right or going according to your plan.  It’s easy to see the negative side of things, instead seek out the positive.  “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” … Phil. 4:8
  14. Keep Reading & Learning.  Just because you have finished your education, doesn’t mean you stop learning.  If you have an interest in something, learn more about it.  Don’t be ignorant about history, the world around you, and God’s Word.  Read and be knowledgeable.  Being informed will help you converse with just about anyone.  That conversation can lead to a spiritual conversation.  Be a seed planter.
  15. Know You Are Loved.   Know that God loves you.  No matter how far you’ve drifted away from God, He is still there.  “Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38-39. 
  16.  Marry wisely.  Don’t marry because you’ve reached a certain age, everyone else is getting married, your parents are pressing you to marry, or because someone says they love you. When the time is right, God will place your soul mate right in front of you.  God will reveal to you if this is the right person or not.
  17. Check your anger.  People will make you mad in this life.  They will cut in front of you, get under your skin, push your hot buttons, disappoint you, sabotage you, talk about you, and they will do things that will irritate you to no end, whether it’s intentional or not.  If you believe you’ve been wronged, don’t lash out.   As you grow in your Christian walk, you need to follow Jesus as a priority and imitate Him.  Soon you’ll find that the angry fires will quickly be snuffed out and replaced with the Fruit of the Spirit.  Soon you’ll engage in real human interaction laced with grace.   
  18.  There is a Reason for Pain.  God is going to allow some emotional or physical pain in your life. God doesn’t interfere with our freewill.  Often it is ourselves who make unwise decisions and must suffer the consequences.  Other times, God is teaching us a lesson through pain.  If you are bearing up under pain in this life, know that God loves you and He is walking with you through that pain.   
  19. See People with Eternity in Mind.  Everyone you encounter in life will eventually have a divine appointment with God after they die.  Few want to think about their eternal destination but to put it frankly, it’s heaven or hell.   Those that believe in Jesus and follow Him, will enter into heaven.  If you really cared about people, you would start a conversation about eternity with the people God intentionally puts in your path.   1 John.   Pray for people that are heading down the wide path that leads to destruction.
  20. God Has a Plan for Your Life.  God created you and has a unique plan for your life.  God has been trying to direct you on this path, but you are easily distracted by life and your own desires.  Be still and you’ll hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit on which way to go.  The happiest path to be on, is the one God is orchestrating.  Keep in perspective that God is the center of the plan; stop resisting and fold into His plan. 

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